2025 - Journey of Self Discovery

We are currently enrolling for this course.

Location: Condell Park Language of delivery: English Age group:
  • 17+ years and onwards

Heart ~ Mind ~ Body ~ Soul
Delve into the core of your being. Discover your internal essence. Know your purpose. The course is conducted for the duration of Term 1 and is part of the overall subject of Tarbeyah or Spiritual Development. Journey of Self Discovery is the first module in this course, you may register for 1 term only or you may choose to do other terms as well with the following topics: Term 1 - Journey of Self Discovery - discussing the 5 elements that make us who we were so we may understand our inner state and the purpose of our existence. The essence of these 5 components, how they interact and relate to one another how they affect our relationship with Allah Most High first and foremost, our outlook on life, our feelings, interactions, responses, actions. These 5 components are: Body, Soul, Heart, Ego (Nafs), Intellect. Term 2 - Spiritual Diseases of the Heart and their Remedies Term 3 - Sins of the Tongue and their remedy Term 4 - Qualities most loved by the ALL MERCIFUL - inculcating a noble character. The course will begin Saturday 6th February inshaAllah.

Course Intake Modes

  • Registration Fee : $0
  • Tuition fee applies - (Registered students will be contacted).
For Direct Debit, download the Direct Debit Form and contact us.
