A transformative course exploring the profound nature of Divine Love. Discovering
the nature of the relationship with the Divine through an in-depth study of the
Aphorisms of Imam ibn Ata’iAllah al Sakandari.
In this course, we will unravel the layers of wisdom contained within each hikmah
(precept), exploring their practical applications in our daily lives.
Throughout the course, we will delve into themes such as:
Developing a profound connection with the Divine
Navigating life's challenges with resilience
Cultivating spiritual awareness
Engage in discussions and reflections.
Contemplative practices inviting us to internalize and embody the profound
teachings of Ibn Atai ‘Allah.
This course invites you to explore, reflect, and integrate the transformative
teachings of the Hikam into the fabric of your life.
The Journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step moving forward mindfully, and
The great Scholar of Islam Imam Ibn AtaiAllah al Sakandari RahimahuAllah guides
us, with every Hikmah, step by step, on the path to unveiling the Essence of Divine
Love Subjects:- includes optional course
- Tajweed (Saturdays)
- Talqeen (Thursdays)